Friday 22 May 2015

Safer parking campaign

As a school we have been looking at ways in which safer parking can be encouraged around our school. We have discussed this issue in assemblies and within our classes.We decided to design persuasive posters in order to encourage car drivers to think about local residents and their parking needs. A whole school competition was launched  whilst Y6 also wrote persuasive letters to parents/ carers which should soon be sent out.

Rounding numbers to the nearest 10,100 & 1000

In maths we began to explore rounding numbers and what this means. How do we know when to round up or down? What digits can give us a clue? We used a number line with the digits 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and colour co-ordinate them so we knew when to round up to the nearest 10 or down.

We then explored if we could apply this same rule to 100's and 1000's. What do you think we discovered? When should we round up or down?

Pizza and bowling treat!

Y6 had a fantastic time recently when they went bowling at Namco's in the Metrocentre. The competition certainly proved intense at times with Mrs Parry proving herself to be quite an expert - much to Y6's surprise! Everyone was definitely ready for their pizza and pasta at Pizza Express. A very memorable day for all concerned.

Beginning a new topic... The Venerable Bede

During the Easter break year 3 were tasked with researching their new topic, that of the Venerable Bede.

Who was Bede? Why is he important? What can we learn from his life? These questions and more were the challenges face by our class and each child worked extremely hard to gather as much information to answer these puzzling historical questions. 

Here we shared our learning with each other to further broaden our knowledge.

Creatures of Myth and Legend.

During our Myths and Legends topic we have been working on using descriptive language to create our own terrifying monsters. We used lots of examples such as 'The Minotaur' & 'Cyclops' to name a few. Here, Joe described his monster to Mr Noble who tried to draw it on the board.

What do you think?

Wednesday 20 May 2015

Fun with Maths

We spent all week showing off how clever we are with using numbers! We hope Tinkerbell will appreciate all our super work!

Ordering the fish numbers

'Roll and Write' challenge. 'I've put the number roll I did next to the number of dots'

Which number box will you get? What is your score after two throws?

Class survey: 'I like to drink milk.'

How many skittles can you knock down?

Who's going to throw the biggest number?

Treasure hunt challenge in the sand. I wanted to sort the dubloons into their colours.

How many times will you press the beebot controls? Does it behave and go where you tell it to?

What direction will it go on the car mat?

We wrote number-lines to help Tinkerbell.

Captain Hook had stolen some of the numbers from these number tracks, so we fill them in again.

We counted how long it took friends to run round the race track.

What number skills can you show at home?

Numbers Numbers Everywhere!

Reception were shocked today to receive a letter from Tinkerbell saying that Captain Hook had stolen all the numbers in Neverland! So, we went on a number hunt round the school to see how many numbers we could find for Tinkerbell. We were shocked at how many numbers there are - they're everywhere!

What numbers can you find?

Monday 18 May 2015

Post SATs celebration!

Y6 had a brilliant end to the week having worked so hard during SAT's week - they certainly did themselves proud . They were treated to pain au chocolate , hot chocolate with marshmallows and cream and strawberries for breakfast. Then in the afternoon Mr. Noble treated the class to a McDonalds whilst Miss Sykes provided cake , chocolates and sweets! Truly a day to remember - well done Y6.

Sunday 17 May 2015

Topic- Railways

This week Year 1 and 2 joined together to enjoy a fun filled maths lesson all about Railways! We paired up with the Year 1 children to answer some questions based on a Railway theme, using the four operations- addition, subtraction, multiplication and division!

We answered a range of questions including 1 and 2 step problems, such as a train ticket costs £2. A passenger bought 5. how much did they pay altogether?

Literacy- Stories about fantasy worlds

This week Year 2 have continued their work on stories about fantasy worlds. We have been planning our settings and characters in preparation for writing our own stories last week! We have used our knowledge of settings and characters usually found in this genre, our story will be based on 'The Dream Giver'.

The work we've completed so far is looking fantastic, Miss Howe can't wait to read our finished stories next week :)!

Sunday 10 May 2015

Year 2's Trip to Beamish

On Thursday KS1 took a trip to Beamish to learn all about George Stephenson and the railways!
We had a wonderful time! Here is a quick look at our activities throughout the day...

Firstly, we went to the Wagon Way and looked at the Victorian steam locomotives! We learned some new words to describe the different parts of the trains including 'the chimney', 'the firebox', 'the boiler' and 'the pistons'. We also learned that railway tracks used to be made of wood, but when the larger steam locomotives were invented they were too heavy so they changed the wood for metal instead! Year 2 had so many great questions to ask!

When we had finished asking all of our questions we started our work shop! We became engineers for the morning and created our own clay model steam locomotives!

We are planning to paint our clay models next week in school!

Next we visited the Wagon Way house we saw how rich families lived in Victorian times!

After the Wagon Way we got the tram to the town! We loved sitting on the top deck and we loved the sweet shop even more!

The sweet shop made us hungry so we stopped for lunch, then we visited the Pit Village. We visited the mines and saw the terrible conditions that some poor Victorians had to work in! Year 2 already knew that children worked in the mines from our Queen Victoria topic but we were shocked to learn that the youngest miner on record was only 4 years old! We decided that school was a better option!

Finally, before we headed back to school, we had just enough time to visit the Victorian School and stables! We even got to stroke the Shetland Pony!

What an excellent day!