Friday, 8 May 2015

Soup Glorious Soup!

In year one we have continued to use our 5 senses to detect and unknown object. This week our theme has been soup.  We used our senses to help us detect what soup was put in front of us while blindfolded!  We came up with some amazing adjectives to describe what we could hear, smell, feel and see. 
Phoebe used her senses very well and guessed that a can of tomato soup was in front of her.

Harry was blindfolded next. He used some very interesting words to describe what he was tasting! He guessed that it may have been alien slime with lumps of sausage in it! Ha ha! I hope his mam never serves chicken soup for tea! 

Next week year 1 look forward to writing a soup poem! I can't wait to read them! 

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