We cut the pizzas in to 4 equal quarters. We then decided what ingredients we would enjoy on our pizza. Each child made there own quarter. Some children decided to select a quarter of a slice of ham to enjoy on their pizza. We had so much fun!
Here you will find all of our latest news from across the school!
Thursday, 30 April 2015
Maths Master Chef!
Year 1 have been learning all about halves and quarters. We decided to put the children to the test and ask them to make some 'fraction pizzas'.
Guess What?
In year one we have been thinking about our 5 senses. Today we played a really fun game where one of us were blindfolded and using our 4 remaining senses we had to guess what food was placed in front of us.
Lucy tried to guess what a cracker was without using her eyes. She was very close when she guessed it was a biscuit.
At first Sam thought that he could feel sand and then suggested soil. When Mrs Richardson reminded him that it was a food he quickly changed his mind to sugar! Good guessing Sam!
Wednesday, 29 April 2015
Numeracy Quiz
As part of our homework, we had to prepare a numeracy quiz to share with the class. We had lots of fun completing the quizzes in class together and identifying how we could improve them.
Year 6 SATs' Week - Monday 11th May 2015
Year 6 have been working extremely hard in
preparation for their SATs’ tests which commence on Monday 11th May
2015. The timetable for the week is as follows:
Monday 11 May 2015
English Reading Test
English Reading (Level 6)
Tuesday 12 May 2015
English Grammar, Punctuation and
Spelling Test
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Test
(Level 6)
Wednesday 13 May 2015
Mental Maths Test
Maths Test A
Thursday 14 May 2015
Maths Test B
Maths Test A (Level 6 Only)
Maths Test B (Level 6 Only)
Friday 15 May 2016
No Tests
Pupils will need to ensure that they
arrive promptly for school each day. Please could you ensure that your child
has breakfast each morning and plenty of sleep the night before in readiness
for the assessments. A labelled water bottle for pupils to drink between tests
would be beneficial.
We know this will be difficult for some of
our children but please ensure that your child does not worry
unnecessarily, encourage them to stay calm in a pleasant atmosphere at home. We
will ensure the same atmosphere in school.
Monday, 27 April 2015
We are going on a plant hunt!!
This week in Science we have been learning about plants in the sunshine. We discovered new and interesting facts to help us label the parts of a plant inside the classroom.
Lizzie and Joe found a different plant to the other children. They could locate the stem, flower and the leaves.
Katy and Lewis found a daffodil hiding in the bushes. Katy is pointing to the flower part of the plant.
Kleidi and Dan found a dandelion on the grass in the Key Stage 1 yard. Great work boys.
We had a fantastic afternoon.
Sunday, 26 April 2015
St George's Day
We had a fantastic day on Thursday celebrating St George's Day. We had a tasty lunch outside in the sunshine under our patriotic themed decorations! We worked hard in maths to help solve some addition and subtraction questions in the context of money for a 'St George's Day cake sale'. We also spent the afternoon completing some fun St George's day activities including designing our own dragons!
Fantastic Fractions
We have completed some more work on fractions this week! We have been identifying fractions of shapes and groups of objects, including whole, 1/2, 1/4, 1/3, and 1/8.
We know that their are two important numbers when writing fractions-
Numerator (the top number)- tells us how many equal parts we have/ are wanted
Denominator (the bottom number)- tells us how many equal parts the whole has been divided into
We took part in a range of activities including making pizzas using specified fractions e.g. 1/2 mushroom, 1/2 pepperoni and matching fractions to their shaded shapes.
We know that their are two important numbers when writing fractions-
Numerator (the top number)- tells us how many equal parts we have/ are wanted
Denominator (the bottom number)- tells us how many equal parts the whole has been divided into
We took part in a range of activities including making pizzas using specified fractions e.g. 1/2 mushroom, 1/2 pepperoni and matching fractions to their shaded shapes.
Cress Heads
Through our spring term science topic, we have learned that plants are alive and have different needs just like us!
One of their needs is water. Can you tell your parents/carers about the rest Year 2?
We planted cress heads before the holidays but decided not to water them until we returned or they might die! Now that we've returned to school, we have begun to water the cress heads, we can't wait to see their hairs grow!
Thank you again to all of the generous parents/ carers who contributed tights!
Tick Tock Time
Before the holidays we completed an activity carousel all about time, since Year 1 we have been learning how to read and write the time to 1 hour and half an hour. In year 2 we have extended our skills to quarter to/ quarter past the hour, and now we have started to look at 5 minute intervals! Just ask us what the time is!
Victorian Cross Stitch
We loved our cross stitch creations! We had so much fun learning all about Queen Victoria and what life was like for Victorians in our topic this term! What better way to finish than to learn about the type of activities that Victorian children completed at school, in a hands on way?
The cross stitch was a little tricky, but before long we got into a rhythm and by the end we were pros! Even the backs were neat!
Easter Fun
Year 2 had a fantastic time celebrating Easter before the holidays. We loved getting involved in all of the Easter creative activities including decorating our Easter Eggs and making Easter Cards! We thoroughly enjoyed our Easter Bonnet Parade too, thank you to the parents and carers for your contributions to our fun!
Well done to Luke for winning the Easter Egg competition with his "eggcellent" C3-PO and R2-D2 inspired eggs.
Well done to Grace, the winner of the Easter Bonnet competition, for this beautiful bonnet creation!
Well done to all of year 2 for their fantastic effort and creativity over the Easter period! I am very proud of you all, as always!
We even saw a 'Queen Victoria' egg, inspired by our topic work! Doesn't she look fabulous?
Well done to Luke for winning the Easter Egg competition with his "eggcellent" C3-PO and R2-D2 inspired eggs.
Well done to Grace, the winner of the Easter Bonnet competition, for this beautiful bonnet creation!
Well done to all of year 2 for their fantastic effort and creativity over the Easter period! I am very proud of you all, as always!
We even saw a 'Queen Victoria' egg, inspired by our topic work! Doesn't she look fabulous?
Thursday, 23 April 2015
Ahoy matey!
The boys decided that this is a magic box. When you come out, you're a different person! Out of this box this week we've had dinosaurs, dragons, snakes and tigers!
However, Reception have been spent most of the week enjoying thinking about (and acting like) pirates! We thought about what we could turn our role play corner into this week and how we could do it. We shared ideas and discussed with talking partners what we would need. Zack thoughtfully and politely said that he thought the idea of turning it into a dragon's cave with treasure in was a great idea! Reception said they wanted a treasure chest and would need some pirate costumes... and look what Mrs Curnow found in the cupboard! Aren't nice surprises GREAT!
We love making treasure in the creative corner and then making treasure maps for our friends to follow around the classroom.
Isabelle wrote the areas of the room on her map and led her friends on a hunt for the treasure she had made. What fantastic sounding out of the words! Her friends enjoyed reading her writing.
Where, oh, where could it be?
Go from the ship to the treasure. Could it be in the Maths area? Adam asked Harry to show him how to draw a treasure map - good teamwork, boys!
Jay made a treasure island palm tree and a frog using the play dough. The man is the person who looks after them.
Jay also made a very long crocodile with a baby crocodile on its back. Everyone has been so amazing at writing their own labels for their work this week!
I wonder our little pirates going to get up to next?!
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