Monday, 19 January 2015

Spring 1 Week 3- Maths

Multiplication and Division
This week we have been concentrating on Multiplication and division! We have focused on representing multiplication as repeated addition and division as sharing. We use the cubes to help us with both.
For multiplication, we look at the number sentence e.g. 3 x 2 =, we write this as a repeated addition number sentence (2 + 2 + 2 =), we make 3 groups of 2 cubes. Then we count them all together to find our answer- (we count in 2s so that it's quicker!)
For division, we look at the number sentence e.g. 15 / 5 =, we make a tower of 15 cubes and then share it in to groups of 5, there is 3 towers of 5 so our answer is 3!
We also looked at multiplication and division in the context of money! We worked out our answers and then showed the correct amount with the appropriate coins!

If you have a moment, taking some time to support your child with our new online programme Mathletics would be great! A multiplication or division game would be a great choice as next week we will look at multiplication represented as arrays and we will be using bead strings for division! Stay Tuned!

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