Thursday, 19 March 2015

Is it fair or unfair..?

Last week we started to think about halves, but in a way that the children could relate to! So, we looked at football teams and said whether the sides were fair or unfair. The children decided we needed to count each side's players to check they both had the same amount!

We then had team captains who we shared some monkeys out between. When we were happy that the teams were fair, we could cheer for each side!

They both have 2 monkeys each! That's the same! So half of 4 is 2.

Uh oh! That's not fair! She has 4 and he only has 2! It wasn't shared equally.

Yay! They both have 3 monkeys! Half of 6 is 3.

I made a cake and kindly cut it in half so I could share it with Mrs Curnow! Yummy!

We also went outside to do some races. Mrs Curnow needed some help getting the teams right though. It's a tricky business, but everyone helped by counting each team and making sure the sides were both the same and that the teams were fair. Half of 14 is... can you work it out?

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