Spring Term 2013
Red Nose Day 2013
This year we are continuing to raise money for The Ghanaian Children's Trust. In Key Stage One we raised money by coming to school in our pyjamas and taking part in an exciting malteaser challenge competition. It was a fun day and we are proud to be part of raising money for such a good cause.
Dinosaur Experts!
In literacy we have been learning all about non-fiction books and how to use them to find the facts we need. We have become dinosaur experts by looking at a range of information books to get to know more about them. We have used our knowledge about dinosaurs to create our own information page.
19th September 2012
Down at the Farm
This half term our creative curriculum topic is the farm. We are learning all about what the farm provides for us and how farms have changed over time.
We had a brilliant time on our visit to the farm. We asked the farmer lots of questions to find out things we didn't already know about the farm and what his job is.
While we were there we got to hold baby guinea pigs and rabbits, and also feed the lambs! The lambs were so strong they tried to take the bottles out of our hands!
We also got to go on a tractor ride, where we went up to the fields and spotted Jimmy the Bull. We learned all about why bulls have to have rings on their noses.
September 28, 2011
White Mere Wedding of the Year
The Year 1 and 2 creative curriculum topic in the summer term was Weddings. We had the most amazing time, culminating in a real 'pretend' wedding at St Andrew's Church. Take a look at our amazing photographs.

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