Monday, 13 January 2014

Spring Term 2013
Literacy and Numeracy
In Literacy in Year 4 we have been looking at journalistic writing. We decided to write an article all about our fabulous new Key Stage 1 yard. We decided to interview children from Key Stage 1 to find out their opinion of the new yard. We then looked for factual information we might need to complete our article.

In Numeracy we have been looking at the properties of 3D shapes. We decided to build 3D shapes using spaghetti and marshmallows. We found some 3D shapes particularly difficult to create. Our most successful structure was the square based pyramid. 
We have also been investigating different units of measure. We have been looking at how we can measure liquids using litres and millilitres. 

Wednesday 19th September 2012
Our Achievements
At the beginning of year 4 we decided to set targets we want to achieve throughout year 4. As a class we created our own gold medals with personal targets. Every child in year 4 wants to achieve their target and take their medal home to celebrate working hard and being committed to achieving challenging targets .
Our Numeracy Challenges
In Year 4 we have been looking at positive and negative numbers. Together we had to order negative numbers from the smallest number to the largest number. We decided to make a human number line to help us understand how to order positive and negative numbers.
 Our World War 2 Topic
In Year 4 our topic for this half term is World War 2. The children have been looking at how children were evacuated to the country. The children are excited for the arrival of our very own evacuee’s suitcase due to be delivered in October 2012. In Year 4 have been think about the destruction and devastation caused by the war and how the Blitz could have affected the towns and cities near where we live.

September 19th 2012

Summer Task week.

In our last term and as part of task week challenge Year 3 had to think about a way to make as much money as possible out of a given budget. We decided on a garden theme and bought as many garden objects as possible. You name it we had it! Football Gnomes, Ninja Turtles, White Mere Owls, and even watering can Flower pots! Unfortunately all of our garden critters AND even throwing 3 sponges at Mr Noble for £1 could’t pip Mrs Hutchinson and Year 5 to victory. Great effort year 3! Better luck next year.


Spring Term 2013

Red Nose Day 2013

This year we are continuing to raise money for The Ghanaian Children's Trust. In Key Stage One we raised money by coming to school in our pyjamas and taking part in an exciting malteaser challenge competition.  It was a fun day and we are proud to be part of raising money for such a good cause.

Dinosaur Experts!

In literacy we have been learning all about non-fiction books and how to use them to find the facts we need. We have become dinosaur experts by looking at a range of information books to get to know more about them. We have used our knowledge about dinosaurs to create our own information page. 

19th September 2012

Down at the Farm 
This half term our creative curriculum topic is the farm. We are learning all about what the farm provides for us and how farms have changed over time.
We had a brilliant time on our visit to the farm. We asked the farmer lots of questions to find out things we didn't already know about the farm and what his job is.
While we were there we got to hold baby guinea pigs and rabbits, and also feed the lambs! The lambs were so strong they tried to take the bottles out of our hands!
We also got to go on a tractor ride, where we went up to the fields and spotted Jimmy the Bull. We learned all about why bulls have to have rings on their noses.


September 28, 2011

White Mere Wedding of the Year

The Year 1 and 2 creative curriculum topic in the summer term was Weddings. We had the most amazing time, culminating in a real 'pretend' wedding at St Andrew's Church. Take a look at our amazing photographs.

Spring Term 2013
Our New Classroom
We, in year one, are delighted with the prospect of extending our school by opening a nursery. We have been busy with the build up, creating a beautiful new classroom. Everyone within KS1 has had a move around and year one have moved into the previous year two classroom.
We are extremely excited to welcome the nursery children to our school.

Here is what some children have said about the opening of the nursery:

Tom Price ‘It is really nice that we are going to have new people coming into the school.

Rebecca Hamilton ‘It will be fun to make new friends.’

 Lucy Bell ‘The nursery is making our school more beautiful.’

Our topic for spring term 2 was ‘Weddings’ both year 1 and year 2 children were captivated and enthused by the hands on topic which was all about understanding, organising and planning a wedding for two children. From the start to finish all children took the topic extremely seriously.  All children took a leading role in the build up and planning of the wedding.

The two lucky children chosen to play the role of the bride and groom were Abbey from year One and Daniel from year two. 


Down at the Farm.

As part of creative curriculum, year’s 1&2 visited ‘Down at the Farm’ in Houghton Le Spring.
During our visit we met Farmer William and Caroline. We were able to see all the farm animals and the crops he grew. Farmer William also had some animals that you do not see on a British farm. For example we saw reindeer, prairie dogs, raccoons, alpacas and a python. We were able to feed the lambs and hold rabbits and guinea pigs. After lunch, which we had in the barn, we were able to play in the tunnels, in the activity area and on the giant bouncy pillow.
We had a fabulous day!


Rumble in the Jungle

Reception Class have been enjoying using the new role play area in their classroom.  They have explored the jungle and found many of the cheeky jungle animals.  One day we had an unexpected visitor in the classroom!  

When Mrs Richardson entered the classroom their was a naughty monkey that escaped from the jungle and was busy hiding all of the snack. The monkey hid all of the bananas around the classroom so we had to go on a banana hunt.  

Eventually we found all 14 bananas with our names on. We carefully arranged the bananas in order on the carpet but the naughty monkey kept pinching one when we weren't looking! We had to discover which number was missing and quickly locate it.  What a cheeky monkey!